Gender Studies at RUB – intersectional | interdisciplinary | international

Gender Studies is a relatively new research discipline that uses gender as a category for the analysis of society and culture in various historical, cultural or political contexts. Gender refers to the social and cultural construction of sex, role concepts and norms. Since gender as a social category never stands alone, but is always related to other categories such as ethnicity, body or age, students learn to perceive gender-hierarchical realities from an intersectional perspective, to critically question social developments with regard to gender relations and to know methods and instruments for creating equal opportunities. Fields of research such as  Masculinities Studies, Postcolonial Studies, Disability Studies, Critical Whiteness Studies and Queer Studies will also be examined.

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Maximiliane Brand, M.A.
Academic Advisor Gender Studies
GD E1 Room 337
Phone: +49 (0)23432-26646