CARE Work -Who cares? (Webinar)

In recent weeks and against the background of the current corona situation, care work has become the focus of attention. Finally, it seems. There is much talk of recognition, systemic relevance and upheaval. Bonuses for the care sector are planned. But is that enough? What concrete reforms are planned? What concrete measures are needed to […]

Toxic Masculinity – ist Männlichkeit giftig?

Under the motto "Auf ein Bütterken mit Marie Jahoda" or "Auf ein Herrengedeck mit Marie Jahoda", the Marie Jahoda Center offers lectures and web seminars on gender studies in theory and practice. Here, you can talk to experts and exchange views on current social developments and research questions. The series includes events at lunchtime (Auf […]

MEDIEN DENKEN – ifa-colloquium

KODWO ESHUN (Goldsmiths University London/GB)Lecture One: Handsworth Songs as Dub Cinema Please write an e-mail to get the link for zoom:

MEDIEN DENKEN – ifa-colloquium

KODWO ESHUN (Goldsmiths University London/GB)Lecture Two: Handsworth Songs as Black Industrialism Please write an e-mail to get the link for zoom:

MEDIEN DENKEN – ifa-colloquium

KARA KEELING (University of Chicago/USA)Queer Times, Black Futures Please write an e-mail to get the link for zoom:

Kick-Off: FACE@RUB (Female Academic Entrepreneurs)


Nur 15,7% der Gründer*innen im Startup-Bereich sind weiblich. Um das zu ändern, gibt es jetzt FACE@RUB. FACE steht für Female Academic Entrepreneurs an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und ist ein Projekt des Worldfactory Start-up Centers.  Mit diesem Projekt sensibilisiert die Ruhr-Universität Studentinnen und Wissenschaftlerinnen für die Chance, als Frau ein eigenes Start-up zu gründen oder ein […]

MEDIEN DENKEN – ifm-colloquium

SIMON STRICK (FU Berlin/D)A Creature With Life of Its Own:Medienpraktiken des reflexiven Faschismus Please write an e-mail to get the link for zoom:

Myth and Postmodernism –Transformation of myths & mythological women incontemporary literature and media

Conference Programme: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting (international) travel restrictions, attendance of this conference is encouraged online via Zoom. Conference languages are German and English. Guests are cordially invited. To attend, please register with by 21 February 2021.