The programme FACE@RUB stands for Female Academic Entrepreneurs at RUB. It is aimed at students, new academics and alumnae from all faculties who wish to look at the topics of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial spirit and start-up culture, interdisciplinarily and transdisciplinarily. FACE@RUB also offers room in the largest makerspace at a German university to develop your own ideas and implement them creatively.

FACE@RUB is part of the RUB World Factory Start-up Center and is funded by the Ministry of the Economy, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy for North Rhine-Westphalia.


Project Management
Dr. Beate von Miquel

Project Coordination
Nadine Egelhof, M.A.
Janwillem Huda, M.A.

Further information and news:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/face.at.rub/
Linkedin: https://de.linkedin.com/showcase/female-academic-entrepreneurs