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From Science to Start-ups in Germany and North America

19. Mai 2021 15:30 18:00

Als Teil der Female Founders Session ist FACE@RUB an der Reihe „Creating Innovation Networks“ von WORLDFACTORYinternational beteiligt. Seid dabei!

Weitere Informationen:

We would like to invite you to our online networking event From Science to Start-ups in Germany and North America within our first digital networking trip “Creating Innovation Networks” to connect our start-ups, scientists and multipliers with international start-up ecosystems.

Join us on 19 May 2021, 3:30 – 6 pm (CET), online for

  • A panel discussion on how to foster an innovation friendly environment at universities and create networks with international start-up ecosystems
  • Three keynotes followed by parallel breakout sessions on market peculiarities, challenges and cooperation potential in the US, Canadian and German start-up ecosystem:
    • Applications of artificial intelligence in medicine
    • Hydrogen – New energy for climate change
    • Women as entrepreneurs
  • Possibility to connect in 1:1 networking sessions

The event language is English. Please find further information on the event programme, registration and video stream here.

Of course, you are welcome to forward the invitation to other interested colleagues and start-ups.

We are looking forward to welcoming you on the 19th of May!