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II International Conference of the journal „Scuola Democratica“

3. Juni 2021 5. Juni 2021

Scuola Democratica · Il Mulino · Centro Interuniversitario per la Ricerca Didattica (Università di Cagliari and Università di Sassari)

The second edition of the International Conference of the journal “Scuola Democratica” (the most important Italian journal about education) is devoted to the needs and prospects of Reinventing Education. The challenges posed by the contemporary world have long required a rethinking of educational concepts, policies and practices. The question about education ‘for what’ as well as ‘how’ and ‘for whom’ has become unavoidable and yet it largely remained elusive due to a tenacious attachment to the ideas and routines of the past which are now far off the radical transformations required of educational systems. Scenarios, reflections and practices fostering the possibility of change towards the reinvention of the educational field as a driver of more general and global changes are centerstage topics at the Conference and will have a multidisciplinary approach from experts from different disciplinary communities, including: sociology, pedagogy, psychology, economics, architecture, political science, etc. 


Organizers: Elisabetta Ruspini (University of Milan-Bicocca), Rassa Ghaffari (University of Milan-Bicocca)

„The panel welcomes contributions focusing on both the relationship between feminist theory and education and the value of feminist theory in education. More specifically, this panel aims at exploring connections and discontinuities between feminist theories, teaching methods and research in educational settings and within the academia, in Italy and beyond. Questions to consider include: Whether and how can feminist theory can improve education in schools and universities? What contribution can a feminist approach offer to the teaching-learning process? (e.g., positive learning experience, active learning practices, development of critical thinking and open-mindedness…) What are the main barriers and challenges with implementing feminist teaching (e.g., societal, institutional, personal)? How can feminist methodologies influence future education and ‘reinvent’ education at all levels in the transition towards post-pandemic times?

We especially welcome submissions of papers discussing best practices and innovative approaches aimed at introducing both teachers and students to feminism, through the integration of theory of teaching and learning and feminist values and methodologies.“


Abstracts/Papers submission ends on April the 4th, 2021.

Full Call for Papers: