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Vortrag von Prof. John Mercer (Birmingham School of Media): Sexualised Masculinity in the 21st Century [Vortragsreihe AG Männlichkeiten]
17. November 2022 18:00 – 20:00
Im Wintersemester wird Prof. John Mercer im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe der AG Männlichkeiten zu Sexualised Masculinity in the 21st Century sprechen.
„This presentation introduces the research that forms the basis of a book entitled Sexualised Masculinity that is being written for the Routledge book series Masculinity, Sex and Popular Culture. This book asks critical questions about who is invested in the construction of a sexualized masculinity and the perpetuation of this mode of presentation across popular culture. I situate my analysis in the centrality of the body to the values and operations of contemporary capitalism. This necessitates a reconsideration of masculinity and its value in institutionalized media culture (including journalism, marketing and advertising) and by extension consumer culture (the cosmetics, beauty, fitness and fashion industries in particular) and how these connect to social media within the broader context of a landscape where the status of the body, representation of the self as an ‘identity project’(Gill, Henwood, McLean, 2005), privacy and intimacy have evolved in the digital age.“