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Psychology’s Feminist Voices from Turkey:Complicating Mainstream Knowledge and Practice [KKC-Symposium]

11. Januar 2024 9:00 12. Januar 2024 18:15

Organization: Dr. Feride Yılmaz (KKC-/IPU-Fellow)

This two-day symposium aims to introduce feminist psychology scholars, activists and therapists who in their life trajectories and work blurred the boundaries amongst these domains by striving to embody and disseminate feminist insights and values and by relentlessly challenging the entrenched political and socio-cultural patriarchy and its violence in Turkey. The consecutive parts reveal overall thematic divisions, highlighting areas from feminist advocacy, collective action, epistemology and methodology to feminist therapeutic approaches, politics, and
pedagogy. Still, coupled with lived experiences of the contributors, they underscore feminist psychology aligned with
its political goals is performed in various venues interactively to counteract oppressive patriarchal structures, institutions, practices and knowledges for enabling and consolidating equity, justice, healing and solidarity.

Free registration: via e-mail to
Please indicate whether you would like to attend in person or online.