MeToo in Science

The self-learning course “MeToo in Science” provides users and interested parties with an initial overview of the situation of students and employees with regard to sexualized discrimination and violence. They can also recognize their own options for action and develop awareness for different realities of life on campus. The Moodle course opens up an intersectional perspective on the university as an institution.

There are numerous informational texts, interview podcasts and media collections on the topics of sexism, discrimination, intersectionality and masculinity(ies), which enable independent discussion. In addition, recommendations and strategies for action in case of cases, recommendations and handouts for low-discrimination teaching and a detailed bibliography for further reading are provided.

RUB members can access the course via the Moodle learning platform: Simply enter the course name in the search bar and register.

External interested parties can visit the self-study course via OpenRUB under the following link: